Drawing his future
The “Plus” in ChildCARE Plus represents an important part of a child’s life. When you sponsor a child, things like food, clean water, shelter, clothing and health care become available. Most importantly, when you sponsor a child, you introduce them to the eternal provider of these necessities; Jesus. Sponsorship gives a child the opportunity to know and live with Christ; a personal relationship that will change their outlook on everyday challenges by giving them hope to hold on to.
You can always offer something to a child’s foreseeable future. Whether that is in their early stages, teenage years or young adult life, they will always remain your children. With ChildCARE Plus, programs offer access to medical care, nutritious food and quality education. That’s where you come in. Programs exist so people like you can keep them alive. Keep children’s futures alive.
Meet Devison Mtokoma. A 19-year old prayerful and aspiring artist, from Malawi, who likes drawing cartoons. Devison was born deaf and does not speak. He lives with his father and three brothers in poor living conditions. Residing outside the capital of Lilongwe means a lack of electricity and water. Devison’s mother, Estele, passed away last year. Therefore, it’s his father, Josephy’s responsibility to support the family the best he can despite his inconsistent businesses. Josephy works hard to sell chickens and picks up available jobs when he can. Profits are unstable and as a result, Devison’s education is on the backburner. His medical condition is also not getting the attention he needs.
ChildCARE Plus in partnership with Children of Blessing Trust (COBT), a school in Lilongwe, wants to help individuals like Devison. COBT supports children with disabilities by providing resources like special education and rehabilitation services. Now picture what it would like if Devison regularly attended COBT because his school fees were paid. Picture him learning new ways to communicate with his disability. Picture his medical bills being paid and him finally receiving his treatments. All while still doing what he loves; drawing and helping with chores around the house. But picture it this time with food on the table and clothes on his back. Devison can live this life if someone is present to give him the help he needs. He can become what he aspires to be, and it just takes YOU. You don’t need a reason to impact Devison’s life. Jesus already gave a reason when he created Devison.