Our Theory of Change: How Humanitarian Work Happens
When you give toward a country or a project near and dear to your heart, do you ever wonder what is going on in the background? Today, we at ERDO (Emergency Relief and Development Overseas) want to shine some light on everything you don’t usually see taking place at the ERDO HQ.
Helping a family break free from generations of poverty does not happen overnight. When we partner with incredible global workers and the often-unseen churches around the world, it takes serious thought. It takes time, money and legally binding agreements to feed families living in active war zones or to respond to the latest emergency.
But usually, it all starts with a conversation.
The Theory of Change
When ERDO begins working in a community, we first meet with local leaders to figure out some long-term goals. These leaders have their community’s best interests at heart. They know most families, and they understand their everyday struggles.
The goals we create together involve big-picture, high-level thinking. For example, the community could tell us about their struggles to find skilled workers and how their children are not growing healthy and strong. In that case, our goal would be for the improved well-being and transformation of vulnerable children and adults.
This goal sounds very lofty, but what it really means is that we want to see lives changed in every way. We want to help children become successful and healthy adults, and we want communities to grow and thrive because people have the skills to change their lives and surroundings.
Really, our goals are biblical, as God tells us through the prophet Isaiah to “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow” (Isaiah 1:17). This verse informs our mission at ERDO and our belief in the mission of the church.
From there, we work backward to create some immediate and intermediate goals. An immediate goal might be to ensure children can attend school regularly and discover the roadblocks to education. An intermediate goal might be to train teachers and help improve the quality of education in the community.
Next, we find programs that will help us achieve these goals.
Working together and following the Holy Spirit’s leading, we believe we can create long-lasting transformation. That’s our theory of change!
In many countries, we have one type of program or another. But lately, we’ve been learning how to layer our programs, integrating them together to create the biggest impact possible on a community. When we educate children, work with their parents to develop the community, and bring crisis relief for immediate help, we can assist the whole family now and for many years to come.
When you sponsor a child through ERDO, you bring a family one step closer to a future without poverty.
To sponsor a child today, visit erdo.ca/sponsor-now or call 1-800-779-7262 to ask how sponsorship will specifically impact the countries close to your heart.