Flooding in Türkiye
In Türkiye, ERDO is partnering with First Hope Association, a church-based organization who believes in helping every human being without discrimination. This article comes from the First Hope team responding to the earthquake in Türkiye.
Our efforts to serve the earthquake region continue and we’d like to share a brief update. The work regarding shelters is progressing quickly. At the beginning of last week we had plans for 5,000 shelters, and as of today the number is up to 7,000. We’ve completed the work on 3,000 tents along with the necessary bedding supplies in the Hatay province cities of Belen, Dortyol, Samandag and Defne. The preparations are continuing for more tents in Kirikhan and Reyhanli and within a week or two we should have completed all 7,000.