Matched Funding Food Programs | ERDO Skip to main content

Matched food programs

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When emergencies strike and families lose their access to food, ERDO often develops specific projects with Canadian Foodgrains Bank. When we work together, we are able to qualify for matched funding from the Canadian government. For specific food assistance programs, ERDO can access matched funds up to 4:1, making donations reach so many more families in need! This means that for every dollar donated, five dollars is given to hungry families!

Other nutrition programs that benefit vulnerable communities include helping to establish kitchen gardens and assist farmers with pasture management.

Matched 1:1

Improved Family Farms in Uganda

In Kasese, Uganda, ERDO is helping to strengthen food security in four villages. Over three years, we will be working with 640 family farmers, helping them improve their soil, increase their food production and create more income for their families.

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Matched 4:1

Food for Yemen

Millions of people in Yemen are in urgent need of food aid. Together, we can provide food to bring children and their families back from famine conditions and save lives. Your donation today will provide families with monthly food baskets for six months. Through our partnership with Canadian Foodgrains Bank, your donations will be matched four times by the Canadian government. This means your donation of $200 becomes $1,000 of life-saving food.
We are starting a new food distribution in September. Thank you for helping us feed 1,225 vulnerable families in conflict zones in Yemen.


Matched 4:1

Food for the Democratic Republic of Congo

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, over 190 separate armed groups are battling for control, forcing over 5.6 million people to flee their homes and take up shelter in camps for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). To help these innocent victims of war, ERDO is distributing food through our local Pentecostal partner, CEPAC. Food is being provided, thanks to a Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB) matched food assistance program. This program will provide basic food staples to 5,900 of the most vulnerable IDPs for a 5 month period. We are hoping to provide a total of 490 tonnes of food to families in DRC.


Matched 4:1

Zimbabwe HERD Project

There is a severe and chronic food crisis in Zimbabwe resulting from years of extreme economic challenges. Ongoing inflation has increased food costs and multiple years of drought have left many families with few options to feed themselves. In 2020, it was reported that over half the population, 7.7 million people, did not have enough food to eat. ERDO and our local partner have been providing emergency food supplies to families in Masvingo for the past 3 years. The next phase of this project includes work that will increase family access to food and income. Invest in futures through this project matched 4:1 by the Government of Canada.


Matched 1:1

Malawi Food for Children with Disabilities

ERDO is partnering with Children of Blessing Trust (COBT) in Malawi to help children with disabilities reach their full potential. A major part of our work involves providing healthy food to help a child recover from malnutrition. We are bringing supplemental and therapeutic food to over 600 children with disabilities. COBT is also responding to the nutritional needs of approximately 90 mothers of children with disabilities who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and also suffer from malnutrition.


FAQ’s About Matched Programs

ERDO is a founding member of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB).  By ownership of CFGB, 15 Canadian church denominations and church-based agencies work collaboratively to pool resources, bringing a Christian response to hunger.  Through our membership, donations to food relief and food security have the potential to be multiplied by matching funds available from the Government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada (GAC).

The easiest way to think of the CFGB is as an actual bank!

Each of the 15 church groups have their own account.  With the funds (equity) that each partner has in their account they are able to provide food relief, emergency food aid and agriculture programs in places that are food insecure.  The goal in every situation is to ensure longer term strategies for food security, so communities are able to feed themselves.

There are several ways ERDO is able to increase the amount of money in our account:

1.  Cash donations directly to the CFGB directed to the ERDO-PAOC account. These are receipted by CFGB.

2.  Cash donations directly to ERDO. These are receipted by ERDO and used in our CFGB food programs.

3.  Grain donations by farmers at their local grain elevator.  Most elevators across Canada are familiar with the CFGB and will cash out grain and designate the proceeds to the ERDO-PAOC account at CFGB if instructed to do so.  These grain donations are receipted by CFGB.

Katana DRC Conservation Agriculture
Matched 1 :1
Increased food security for 300 households (2,100 people) through provision of seeds, tools, and conservation agriculture training.

Kenya -CITAM Goat Restocking Project
Matched 3:1
Increased livelihood sustainability for 300 vulnerable pastoralist families (2,100 people) by providing each family with 6 female goats, allowing pastoralists to strengthen their herds post-drought.

SMM Food Security
Matched 3:1
Increased food security for 720 households (3,600 people) through community disaster risk reduction, natural resource management training, and income generation strategies.

Karamoja Uganda Climate Change and Food Security
Matched 1:1
Increased food security for 300 households (2,000 people) through provision of seeds, tools, conservation agriculture training, and marketing strategy training.

Haiti Food Security
Matched 1:1
Increased food security for 200 households (1,000 people) through the provision of seeds, plant cuttings, tools, and conservation agriculture training.

Bangladesh Nutrition Supplementary Feeding
Matched 4:1
• High energy biscuits distributed to 6,800 pre-school children two times daily, six days a week
• Distributed de-worming medicine to children, teachers, and volunteers twice a year
• Provided monthly trainings in nutrition and hygiene for 3,200 mothers

Somalia Cash Transfers
Matched 4:1
Provided monthly mobile cash transfers of $70 USD for 800 households (5,694 people) for 3 months in the Sool and Sanaag regions in Somaliland.

South Sudan Refugee Supplementary Nutrition
Matched 4:1
Provided nutritional food supplements for 2,000 pregnant and nursing mothers, and 550 persons with special needs.

Supplementary Food Assistance for Vulnerable Children Phase 1
Matched 4:1
Provided supplementary nutritional support for 7,000 children between the ages of 24 and 59 months and 4,575 children and youth with special needs in Tshlotsho, Zimbabwe.

Supplementary Food Assistance for Vulnerable Children Phase 2
Matched 4:1
Provided supplementary nutritional support for 12,400 children in Tshlotsho, Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe Drought Response –
Matched 4:1
Provided food assistance to 890 households (4,450 people) in Masvingo for six months.

Yemen Emergency Food Assistance
Matched 4:1
Provided emergency food assistance for 800 households (5,598 people) in Taiz Governate for six months