Get to know how we “do good” | ERDO Skip to main content

Who We Are



When a massive famine struck Ethiopia in 1983, over one million people sadly lost their lives. To respond to the incredible need of a nation, leaders at The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) decided to serve the hungry and vulnerable in a new way. From the biblical call to “do good”, ERDO (Emergency Relief and Development Overseas) was born. ERDO now serves as the humanitarian agency of the PAOC. 

“Do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the orphan. Plead for the Widow – Isaiah 1:17 ”


ERDO now works with children and their families in more than 30 developing countries each year.  

Our mission is to passionately respond to the practical needs of people living in poverty and crisis around the world.  Our vision is to seek Christ-motivated community and individual transformation by meeting basic human needs and fostering social, economic and spiritual potential. We do our work and seek to honour God through our core values: Integrity, Excellence, Dignity, Collaboration, Compassion and Gratitude.

In 2023, ERDO was recognized by Charity Intelligence as being one of the top 100 charities in Canada. We are grateful when others recognize the impact of the work we do, validating what we’re able to accomplish together.


How We Work

We work for the holistic well-being of families and communities. We know, it’s an easy thing to say, but much harder to make a reality. Through our three main areas of work, child sponsorship, community development and crisis response, we have seen how bringing several solutions to a community creates lasting change. When we provide parents with job opportunities, help them send their children to school, bring the family extra food and provide clean water to the community, their lives change!

Community Development

Crisis Response

Child Sponsorship

We seek to work with communities, partnering to build something that lasts. 

In everything, we take our direction from the community itself. We seek to always partner with the local church, as we’ve found they deeply understand the needs of their community. The church is known by their community and can help give us direction as we get to work. 

Gender, diversity, inclusion and the impact on the environment are themes we integrate in every program. We seek to see the value in every human while we break the chains of poverty and watch the lives of families transformed, as they have their practical needs met and hear the gospel message of Christ.

ERDO stands for Emergency Relief and Development Overseas. Our name declares who we are and what we stand for. ERDO bring emergency relief in times of extreme crisis and we focus on community development overseas.

At any one time, ERDO is working in over 30 countries around the world. We bring emergency relief during times of natural disaster and conflict, while continuing to help families overcome challenges of poverty to build stronger futures.  

Our child sponsorship program is currently running in 29 countries, and we have programs operating in other parts of the world through various ministry partners. When crises occur, these global partnerships allow us to extend our reach and respond to urgent needs, wherever they happen.

Yes, ERDO is a registered charity. Our charitable registration number issued by the Canadian government is 87591 2701 RR0001. Our charity rating is listed on the Government of Canada website.

In giving to ERDO, you are supporting a charity that is responsible in finances and management.

ERDO is one of the 15 member agencies that make up Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB), a Christian collective dedicated to ending world hunger. As a member of CFGB, ERDO is able to access matched funding from Government Affairs Canada (GAC) and participates in Humanitarian Coalition emergency responses.

ERDO’s other memberships and partnerships include:

  • Micah Global
  • Humanitarian Response Network of Canada
  • The Pentecostal World Fellowship


Your donations to ERDO’s general fund help support important projects and activities that may need additional support. General funding donations are vital to our work. They ensure all our relief and development projects receive the donations they need to meet the needs of the people who are caught in desperate circumstances.

Single gifts:  When you donate a single gift online, you will receive an instant e-receipt.  We typically issue one receipt for each gift you donate to ERDO. 

Monthly donors: if you donate to ERDO on a monthly basis, we will issue one receipt in February of the following calendar year. This receipt will include all other single gifts given throughout the year by mail or phone.

Thank you so much for your support for families through ERDO. You can cancel a recurring gift at any time. Contact ERDO staff to cancel by calling us toll free at 1-800-779-7262, or by email at