Cash Transfers for Food in Kenya | ERDO Skip to main content

Cash Transfers for Food in Kenya

Life in Marsabit County

This past year, ERDO responded to the huge needs in Kenya with food vouchers, so families could buy emergency food. Through these food vouchers, we were able to feed 9,600 people in Kenya for 7 months.

Life in Marsabit County, Kenya has become more and more difficult over the last couple of years. A severe lack of rain has led to water shortages and drought. Growing food is a challenge. Locust invasions, conflict and the aftershocks of COVID-19 significantly impacted peoples lives and livelihoods. Malnutrition increased and 25% of the population in Marsabit in 2022 were in need of emergency food.


7 Months

Over seven months in 2022, we worked with hungry families in Kenya, ensuring they had food to survive the hunger crisis.

$1.2 Million

Together, we raised $846,000 for these families struggling through this hunger crisis.

Emergency Food

Working with a local partner, we provided emergency food through food vouchers. Food vouchers allowed a family to buy food while supporting the local economy.

9,600 People

We will be working with 9,600 vulnerable people in Kenya. These families live in 6 extremely poor areas of Marsabit County.

What did we accomplish in Kenya together?

ERDO worked with the most vulnerable families in six areas of Marsabit County, alongside a local church-based organization. Together, we met the needs of 1,600 severely hungry families, approximately 9,600 people over a 7-month period.

Our local partners distributed food vouchers, which were used to buy food from local markets. These food vouchers gave families the flexibility of choice as they invest in local food.

Often when families experience high levels of hunger they resort to selling everything they have, including livestock or valuables. This leaves families further devastated without an income to help them recover. This program distributed food vouchers which allowed families to buy essential food and other items while preserving their source of income, helping them become more resilient as a family.

Thank you for helping us provide much-needed food assistance to families once a month for seven months. Together, we helped people in Kenya through their dry season. By giving families a way to support themselves while stimulating the local economy, we not only provided emergency assistance, we helped communities in Marsabit recover from drought and COVID-19.

Thank you for helping families in urgent need! Your donation saved lives.