Flooding in Pakistan - Food, shelter and supplies | ERDO Skip to main content

Flooding in Pakistan

In need of food, water and shelter

Monsoon rains caused devastation in Pakistan from June to the end of August, 2022, leaving millions of families devastated and their homes destroyed. Thanks to our donor’s incredible compassion, together we responded to the needs of families. We were able to bring emergency food, clean water and shelter to families in desperate need!

Thank you for your generosity and love towards families in Pakistan.

Helping Families in Pakistan


From August to December 2022, we assisted families impacted by flooding.

Emergency Support

Together with church partners, we distributed emergency food, tents for shelter and hygiene kits.


In total, we were able to assist 3,125 families, over 24,000 people, in need.


We raised $138,800 to assist families in a time of extreme need!

Flooding in Pakistan

In August, higher than average rainfall hit Pakistan throughout its monsoon season. This severe weather led to widespread flooding and landslides throughout the country as water spilled from rivers, destroying infrastructure and homes. 72 districts across Pakistan were hit, displacing millions.

It has been estimated that 33 million people across the country have been affected by the rains. Thousands of homes were destroyed and livelihoods were greatly affected.

Over 700,000 livestock died, which were a critical source of sustenance and livelihood for many families. Crops were destroyed, leaving many hungry and without access to food. The damage to infrastructure also made it difficult for families to leave to safer locations, with over 800,000 homes destroyed.

What You Helped ERDO Accomplish!

ERDO worked alongside local church partners to bring relief supplies and rehabilitation to families in four provinces. Together, we have helped support over 3,000 vulnerable families, which is approximately 24,000 individuals, with emergency food baskets, shelter and hygiene items.

Our emergency food baskets included flour, rice. cooking oil, dry milk, tea, sugar, and drinking water to help families get through the coming months. We also brought shelter to 500 families (approximately 4,000 people) who had to flee their homes. Families received tents, folding beds, mosquito nets and hygiene kits.

Working in the Khairpur district, one of the worst affected areas, you helped us reduce hunger in 125 flood-affected households! Thank you for helping us assist families during this critical time!