Responding to flooding in Chennai | ERDO Skip to main content

South Asia Flooding

Flooding in India and Pakistan

In an emergency, our goal is to help families get through the first difficult days with basic supplies like food and clean water. However, after the initial crisis, it’s even more important to get families back on their feet and make sure they are resilient for the future.

Right now, families in Chennai, India, need assistance after a cyclone caused incredible flooding and left behind much damage. Families were left without power, food or clean water, and are still struggling with the devestation left behind.

Last year Pakistan was in a similar situation when monsoon rains and flooding impacted 33 million people. We responded with emergency supplies, but a year later, we are now helping families in Pakistan rebuild.

Today, you can help us respond to an the flooding emergency in India, and help us rebuild more resilient communities in Pakistan. Together, we can ensure families are taken care of today and in the years to come, ensuring these vulnerable people are empowered to support themselves in the long run.

Cyclone Strikes India

On December 5th, Cyclone Michaung battered the coast of India. Torrential rains and high winds devastated the city of Chennai, which already struggled with little to no drainage and extremely poor infrastructure. An estimated 12 million people in Chennai and the surrounding areas were left waterlogged, without basic supplies or stable power.

Many roads were washed out or blocked, limiting people’s ability to leave the city. Supply routes for food and clean water have been destroyed and homes have been badly damaged.

Families are still in need of emergency food. You can help us provide for these vulnerable families today.


Alongside our incredible PAOC Global Wokers in India, we are supporting 800 families impacted by the cyclone. Together, we’re bringing relief packages, meals and hygiene supplies to incredible vulnerable families in Chennai.

We’re giving Community Relief Packages to 250 low income families whose homes were damaged or destroyed by flooding. These packages will include much-needed groceries, mosquito nets and sleeping mats. Our partners are setting up feeding programs in multiple locations across Chennai to serve over 2,000 people hot, healthy meals. Reaching out to extremely impoverished children living in slums, our partners are providing rain coats, school bags and supplies to children. We’re also providing hygiene packages to city workers who are responding to the needs of families in Chennai and are at high risk for waterborne diseases.

Thank you for giving to families in Chennai during this difficult time.

Donate Now

Rebuilding Pakistan

In the Sindh and Balochistan provinces of Pakistan water has yet to recede after the flooding last year. Many families are still displaced and living in non-permanent shelters until it’s safe to go home. Their lives are still hold.

Working with a local partner in Pakistan, we will be providing 25 disaster-resistant buildings that will house 2,670 people. These families will be trained about early warning systems, how to evacuate their homes safely and where to assemble in times of emergency.

Local masons will also be trained on building and maintaining disaster-resilient houses and how to teach families to maintain their homes before and after a flood.

Thank you for helping us respond to ongoing crises and offer restoration during long-term emergencies. Give today and help ERDO and our partners respond in Chennai, India and Pakistan.
